Another update (May 26): Joel Landau is featured in the News & Record's 10plus column.
Update: I forgot to mention that Landau told me last week that EPA folks met with local government officials at N.C. A&T State University about the possibility of Greensboro applying for a Sustainable Skylines grant. The application deadline has passed, so I am assuming folks here would apply next year. Sounds interesting. FYI, initiatives in Dallas and Kansas City.
A new environmental advisory group hopes to start meeting by June after the Greensboro City Council appointed it last week. Members are still crafting the mission but preliminarily it would "present City Council with specific proposals for reducing local carbon emissions, reducing energy usage, and conserving resources. Proposals will include projected costs and funding options."
Following is the most recent message sent out to some in the community by Joel Landau, one of the co-chairs of the group:
"Last Wednesday Mayor Johnson appointed, and City Council approved, the members of a newly formed Advisory Group on the Environment! The Group's mission has not been specified, but it will be in the areas of bringing forth initiatives for reducing pollution, conserving resources, improving energy efficiency, and moving towards a more sustainable local economy.
"The group's co-chairs are Bob Powell and Joel Landau. Its members are primarily people who have been active in local sustainability efforts. Our thanks go to Mayor Johnson for initiating the idea and moving forward with it. Steve McCollum [of Environmental Stewardship of Greensboro] was also instrumental in bringing the idea to fruition. One of the hopes for this group is that it will be a focal point for coordinating and publicizing the various sustainability efforts now underway around the City."
In a previous message, Landau mentioned the following folks would be serving on the committee: Art Davis, Maurice Allen, Dr. Debbie Leiner, Derrick Giles, the Rev. Joe Venable, Carolyn Allen, Eric Hoekstra, Bob Powell, Tom Duckwall, Tom Clary, Valerie Vickers, Kim Yarbray, Joel Landau, Marlene Sanford of TREBIC, plus an unspecified representative from both the Chamber of Commerce and one from the Greensboro Merchant Association. They represent each district and include educators, business people, retired city planners, a medical doctor, a reverend, a former mayor and experience in sustainabililty activities.
This grassroots-initiated group will create its own charge instead of relying on a preoccupied council to set the path. It will be interesting to see if these members will have the necessary focus, camaraderie and singular vision to bring the council some innovative proposals and get them funded and accomplished (rather than be overtaken by infighting or self interest). Committees often have the tendency of simmering on the political backburner but I hope that is not this group's fate.
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